Tents, mud, cold: this is how refugees and migrants are holding out in Bosnia-Herzegovina. They want to get into the EU - but the EU is closing itself off and demanding that Bosnia accommodate the people.
After the tremendous refuge movement in 2015, EU states such as Hungary effectively closed their borders. That is why more people have been trying to enter the EU via Bosnia-Herzegovina in recent years. And some manage to do so, despite the Croatian border police. They call it the ''game" even though the attempt to cross the border is nothing near to it. Push backs, beatings, robbery are everyday circumstances that every person who approaches the border crossing has to reckon with.
Because Camp Lipa was almost completely burnt out shortly after it was evacuated, more than a thousand people sought refuge in the forest or built shelters and tents on the site and in the woods near the Croatian border.
The frustration of the people is enormous, they have been forgotten by aid organisations and European Democracies.
However, the story goes on and everyone waits until the weather gets better to try again.
The dreams of the refugees have not died. The "game" goes on!